Frequently Asked Questions

Star Dapple does not deduct any percentage from your sales as transactions occur externally to the platform. The exchange of payment details happens directly between the seller and buyer within the in-app chat. Star Dapple solely applies charges for subscription plans.

Although we cannot guarantee the trustworthiness of individuals, we recommend validating their reputation by reviewing their storefront feedback. In case they do not have any reviews yet, we suggest searching for their name on the Model Horse Transaction Board before making a purchase.

We advise contacting the seller directly to establish an agreement. Prior to making a purchase, it is crucial to review the seller’s store policy and refund guidelines. Please note that Star Dapple serves solely as an intermediary platform and does not provide guarantees regarding the quality, safety, legality, or accuracy of listings and transactions. Star Dapple is not accountable for any issues that may arise during these processes.

Star Dapple is not responsible for any issues or disputes arising from the delivery or non-delivery of products or services. Any claims, complaints, or disputes related to the delivery or quality of products or services should be resolved directly between the Users involved. Before making a purchase, it is crucial to evaluate the seller’s reputation by reviewing their profile feedback.

Unfortunately, that’s not possible. To upgrade to a higher subscription tier, you’ll need to pay the full amount for the new plan. Our website technology currently doesn’t support partial payments or paying only the difference.

Upon winning the auction, you will receive an email notification. If the seller has not contacted you already, reach out to them to finalize shipping details and exchange payment information.

To start receiving live messages, go to the “Vendor Dashboard,” navigate to “Chatbox,” and switch from “Offline” to “Online by clicking on “Connect”.” When both you and the user are online, a chat will open for you to communicate. In case the seller is offline, your message will be directed to “Offline Messages” accessible in “Dashboard” > “Offline Messages,” and the seller can respond to you via email. An email will be sent to the seller informing them of the received message while they were offline.

To start receiving live messages, click on the “My Account” icon, go to “Store Manager”, navigate to “Chatbox,” and switch from “Offline” to “Online by clicking on the green “Connect” button.” When both you and the user are online, a chat will open for you to communicate. In case the seller is offline, your message will be directed to “Offline Messages” accessible in “Dashboard” > “Offline Messages,” and the seller can respond to you via email. An email will be sent to the seller informing them of the received message while they were offline.

Given that Star Dapple wasn’t initially optimized for primary mobile usage, we acknowledge that navigation may feel slightly less intuitive on the mobile app. Here is the pathway to listing an item on mobile:

My Account Icon > Store Manager > Products > Add New Product Box Icon