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We use Pirate Ship for our shipping labels and go with the cheapest options unless requested other wise. Once the item is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number.
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Refund policies are on a case by case basis. We are happy to make things right regarding any errors with any orders.
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If any order is cancelled, your money will be refunded. If you ordered a 3-D printed item or a Custom Pony Pouch and you cancel your order, we reserve the right to resell the item once your money is refunded. You have up to shipping to cancel.
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Breyer Stablemate Jumper painted to a stunning Bay Roan. He has a beautiful star marking and stunning shading. His eyes and hooves have been finished with gloss.
Lucky is a Safari Ltd. TOOB standing pony painted to a bright green tobiano with darker points, realistic brown eyes, dark green hooves, and a glossy finish.
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